Where to find One-Eyed Collie Jewelry Designs in Minnesota


gallery name & address



Edina Periwinkles
  5004 France Avenue South


Details Ink
3244 West Lake St


Pequot Lakes Among the Pines
  4469 Main Street
St. Paul The Bibelot Shops
  1114 Grand Avenue


If there is a gallery in Minnesota where you would like to see the One-Eyed Collie Jewelry collection, please send any information you have to info@oneeyedcollie.com. A $50 gift certificate good toward any One-Eyed Collie jewelry purchase from our website is yours for any store recommendation that results in a sale (*store purchase must meet our minimum wholesale order requirements). Thanks!


If you represent a store or gallery that wants to carry the One-Eyed Collie jewelry lines, please review our Wholesale policies and contact us at info@oneeyedcollie.com. Even though a gallery or store is listed here, they may only carry a small subset of our designs or they may be inactive - please call us if you are interested. Thanks!

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