Where to find One-Eyed Collie Jewelry Designs in Delaware |
city |
gallery name & address |
phone |
website |
Rehoboth Beach |
Goes |
302.227.2960 |
Wilmington |
Alternative Creations 3 Hayloft Court |
302.234.1660 | |
Whiskazz & Pawzz 1880 Superfine Lane #40 |
302.425.4927 |
If there is a gallery in Delaware where you would like to see the One-Eyed Collie Jewelry collection, please send any information you have to info@oneeyedcollie.com. A $50 gift certificate good toward any One-Eyed Collie jewelry purchase from our website is yours for any store recommendation that results in a sale (*store purchase must meet our minimum wholesale order requirements). Thanks!
If you represent a store or gallery that wants to carry the One-Eyed Collie jewelry lines, please review our Wholesale policies and contact us at info@oneeyedcollie.com. Even though a gallery or store is listed here, they may only carry a small subset of our designs or they may be inactive - please call us if you are interested. Thanks!